NFT Art by Claudio Cerra
In this section I publish the updates of the works that I have chosen to transform into NFT. One possibility, in the awareness of the "medium".

"Conflitto" is the first work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
In many vase paintings and murals Eros and Pan are depicted struggling to amuse the Dionysian circle. The opposition between the delicate and winged Eros and the wild Pan with a goat foot seems to represent the contrast between two forms of seduction and love. But the psyche cannot do without the game of opposites, so it needs both the violence of Pan and the delicacy of Eros. The death of Pan announced by Plutarch, the death of his tragic horizon and the victory of Eros, represents an impoverishment of the imagination. The soul loses the ability to represent its dark aspects, to tell the panic and anguish generated by the assault of instinct hitherto unknown and unrelated to consciousness. (...)
(Aldo Carotenuto, Rites and myths of seduction)
"Amplesso" is the second work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
"Only when we transform the forces, instincts, impulses of our ego into the characters, ghosts and shadows of a symbolic-physical comedy, can we reach the whole truth about ourselves.
Both Eros and Pan express the birth of desire and its fulfillment. Awakened by desire, seduced by it, the psyche is forced to awaken from its unconsciousness. Psyche's love for Eros is a journey towards awareness, an awakening of the soul that rediscovers his creativity. [...]"
(Aldo Carotenuto, Rites and myths of seduction)

"Desiderium" is the third work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
But just as the love of Eros and Psyche is full of obstacles and torments, so any other love between gods and human beings appears risky, often lethal. The seduction of this encounter is never sweet and gentle, but more often it is violent and brutal. It is Pan with his goat and ithyphallic figure, with his wild smell, his shaggy hair that represents, better than other gentler-looking gods, the violence of this encounter. Pan undermines the nymphs, their naive virginity, pursues them and possesses them with an impetus that often borders on rape. Pan therefore represents the violence with which the soul experiences the fascination and disturbance of the encounter with the god. [...]
(Aldo Carotenuto, Rites and myths of seduction)
"Intuitiva" is the fourth work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
it is a ravine from which to dig.
It is a moment of uncertainty for the intellect
to which the misunderstood sexes linger,
of disintegration.
The suburbs of the male and female ghetto
in pieces they quiver ...
... hand tremble,
that cleanses the soul.
(Claudio Cerra, From the show "Dalca’os")

"Sincronica" is the fifth work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
In the Son, the Interest is in the Desire From her hips a synaesthesia Summarizes the resolution of Chaos Vanity has a favorite in Eros Martial What they square is a spiral A point of view confused with the circle The Quaternity in the Cross, resolves the full antagonism to good. From Right to Left and from Top to Bottom.
(Claudio Cerra, The Septenary Cycle)
"Sentiero" is the sixth work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
The forest catches fire
up to the slopes of Nothing
Remaining for so much
I just survived
Of that lingers ...
Now it has a candid aspect
It is ...nothing!
(Claudio Cerra,
The Septenary Cycle)

"Melodica" is the seventh work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
We set sail with a tragic sense
A warning ... from the hive to the model
The Queen in the honeycomb relegated the anagogic
Royal anarchy untied the ritual
Sprouting of warp in the choice
It emerged in his instinctual logic
Ariadne is in ascending trouble
Changing your own paradigm
the network of affection is insufficient
Morpheus and his twin brother
they grabbed her eyelids
Hypnotic debut on another level
In Minoan land it is the Oracle
The Third and Last Deity!
"Lord of the Buried Vessel"
The Hellenic land is Philosophical
Dionysus is the Duce of the Ladies who seduces
Love is reduced to the Duce of light
Nothing was more unknown after Thales
Only one Vate is unscathed in the Lethe River
(Claudio Cerra, The Septenary Cycle)
"Ritmica" is the eighth work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
The sensuality in the gaze of the drone is in the identification of the particular.
Distinct, inverse and opposite, it is instead in the enchanting bee, in which the being
looked at is in belonging to the indistinct, to the totality of which it is
the emblem.
Wholeness continuously generates particles to Wholeness.
In the beginning, for the drone, all this derives from an unconscious function
- bewitching - then, in the erotic conquest he is ensnared by the substance
from the royal bee, wife and mother, with whom he falls in love.
Could this be the genesis of the formal illusion?
Of the dogmatic Tabu.
By defacing, with a stratagem, the native enclosure, the simulated order, yes
predisposed to the centrifugal quadrature, of the spiraling fractal.
In the Domain of Broken Lines, the departed had his favor.
Eros reveals his imaginal capacity to the soul.
Awakened by Eros, the soul thus learns to see her many faces, it learns to recognize itself.
(Claudio Cerra, The Septenary Cycle)

"Concavo" is the ninth work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
In the Greek language there is a word for hollow space, which only indicates that it "is wide open":
It is in the word Chaos (from chasko ’" I open ", the root cha, Latin hiatus, hisco).
Chaos originally does not mean disorder and confusion at all but abyss and distance, the distance between heaven and earth, with respect to which, however, Chaos came first. The second meaning of Chaos as disorder and confusion joined it later, after the doctrine of the four elements was formed.
"Convesso" is the tenth work published as NFT by Claudio Cerra for the "Dalca'os" collection, personally minted on objkt.com.
The images of seduction that appear in the myths of all cultures represent the psyche's need to give shape to a fundamental story for the soul. Tracing the models of seduction in myth means looking at the events of our internal dimension from a different and broader perspective, in which they can be better understood. It is from this perspective that both sexuality and any other psychic reality find a different possibility of reading. Seduction must therefore also be considered in its archetypal implications. In the multiplicity of its forms, it represents a way of the psyche to get in touch with the affects, to represent emotions. (...)
(Aldo Carotenuto, Riti e miti della seduzione)